Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Hey everyone.

I have to be honest, my drive behind Geopher has had a gunshot wound to the head and it's slow going what with everything else that's happening in my life. However, I still want a better solution than what is out there for the iPhone, so I am not giving up, it is just taking a bit longer than I had planned.

I'd like to get an update to you all by thanksgiving (That's towards the end of november for you non-U.S. folks) on Geopher Lite in between other things and I'll see what I can do there. This would include the rotated compass graphics (which have been done actually since the end of september, shame on me for not getting those to you sooner), probably the GCxxxx on the main target screen and the new outdoor skin. There are other potentialities for that release, but I won't promise anything else.

Hang in there and thanks for stopping by!


Anonymous said...


Just want to let you know that the URL interfacing works perfect and that I'm working (also pretty slow) on a geocaching app for multi (puzzle) caches. This app will interface to geopher-lite for navigation! So keep that in place.

Kind Regards
BtSt (author of iGCT)

Anonymous said...

Hi I just wanted to thank you for this app. I've been signed up at geocashing.com's website
for over two years but have only started finding caches since I've downloaded Geopher Lite A couple of months ago. Since then I've used it exclusively to find caches and it has worked flawlessly for me. Even if you never update it, I still wanted to thank you and if you ever do a full version I'm gonna get it. Thanks again.

Tapani said...

Long time no see...
Glad to hear that you are still alive and working on geopher lite. Take your time and don't rush things just to make a deadline.

All the best/

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DadGuy has been working with apple computers since the mac classic. I love games and puzzles and like to solve problems. I'm having a blast developing for the iPhone and iPad.